Sunday, April 15, 2018

E-Trade Making Fun of Seniors?

There is a commercial running on broadcast for E-Trade featuring seniors persons in different work scenarios; DJ spinning records, Lifeguard, Fireman and so on.

I get the premise.

These are seniors well pass the age of 60 shown in the context of what could happen if you don't save or in this case INVEST using E-Trade.

Let me be clear on this.
#1 You don't have to make fun of seniors to sell a product
#2 There is nothing clever about this concept; and clearly demonstrates a lack of respect.

This is an epic fail on the part of the ad agency and E-Trade.
'There is nothing clever about making fun of seniors'

The ad agency who wrote the spot and E-Trade marketing team should be made to serve as nurses and aids at a senior living center. Just saying.