Googler Matt Cutts – who’s becoming a sort of weather man for the SEO crowd – has some infos on the current Google rankings update (which has been dubbed “Jagger” by WebmasterWorld). Matt stresses the point that there is not one single large update, but rather a series of smaller and medium-sized ones. Matt says there might be some noticeable PageRank (and backlinks) changes to be expected in the coming days.
Other great resources aboutthe Google Jagger Update:
Jagger1 - I (Included changes in displayed PR and BL )
Jagger2 - Has started and will probably end next week.
Jagger3 - Will start next week hopefully (Wednesday probably at the earliest)
See: and
My friend and SEO mentor who shall remain nameless (The less Google knows about him the better) explained it to me from his point of view. 'Mr. K" I will call him became involved in the Internet when Cobalt, dBase and FoxPro were all the rage.
This is Mr. K's take on the recent Google Dance
When Google rolls out a radically new 'algo' they don't feed this bad-boy to all their servers units. Some servers IP are blocked so they may test the new "algo" against the group of blocked servers. The updated servers or 'Google feed' you and I see were rolled back, (I'm guessing 6-8 months) so they can test the indexing speed of the new 'algos' against the old 'algo' or block IPs.
Hmmm- This makes sense!
Fast, greasy, blinding indexing speed means faster Google caching of data. In light of the growing paradigm of new data being posted to the World Wide Web - speed is what it’s all about. I'm also guessing that 'Google Base' figures into this equation, but that's food for another blog thought.
So my friends keep the faith and next time - don't put all your marketing eggs in one basket. There's never been such a thing as a free-lunch!
Rick Vidallon