Monday, September 03, 2018

Leggo of My Eggo

I had never watched Mad Men until I signed up for Netflix. I watched the very first episode where Don Draper has to come up with a campaign to combat articles in Readers Digest about the health related dangers of smoking. He manages to coming up with a great ad concept/tagline in the nick of time.

Coming from an ad agency background myself, I love a great concept/ tagline; 
Nike  - Just Do It, Wendy's - Where's the Beef and so on.

Many great concept/ taglines are even tied to a music theme.
Alka seltzer - Plop, plop, Fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is.

Enter Kellogg's famous campaign Leggo of my Eggo. The commercials featured persons engaged in friendly, playful banter over who will get the last Eggo waffle.

Now how are you going to top that? Why not take the same tagline and change it up a bit. (Leggo of Your Eggo)  Now they taken the memorable concept of Eggo selfishness to Eggo sharing.

Kudos to the creative director. It's nice to see a new twist on an iconic concept.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Commericals Creating A Nation Of Wimps

The Liberty Mutual commercial starts out with a mom saying that Liberty Mutual stood by them when her son got a flat tire. Then they quickly cut to two other young boys who are trying to figure out what a lug wrench is.

Give me a frigging break. Really? Did the Liberty Mutual kid call his mommy when he got a flat tire? What a tosser. Get off your phone, get out the car and change your tire wussy boy.

I fear that today's young men have fallen prey to the ad agency commercial culture of bottled water, cell phones, and fashion fads. We have raised a nation of kids who are afraid to get a little grease under their finger nails.

When I was growing up as a teenager we changed our motor oil, changed our brakes and rotated our tires. We even drank from the garden water hose and mowed our neighbors lawns. Our choice of high fashion tennis shoes were Keds, Converse and PF Flyers.

And yes; we knew how to change a flat tire. IN YOUR FACE LIBERTY MUTUAL.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

E-Trade Making Fun of Seniors?

There is a commercial running on broadcast for E-Trade featuring seniors persons in different work scenarios; DJ spinning records, Lifeguard, Fireman and so on.

I get the premise.

These are seniors well pass the age of 60 shown in the context of what could happen if you don't save or in this case INVEST using E-Trade.

Let me be clear on this.
#1 You don't have to make fun of seniors to sell a product
#2 There is nothing clever about this concept; and clearly demonstrates a lack of respect.

This is an epic fail on the part of the ad agency and E-Trade.
'There is nothing clever about making fun of seniors'

The ad agency who wrote the spot and E-Trade marketing team should be made to serve as nurses and aids at a senior living center. Just saying.