Logo Design
Corporate and commercial firms spend thousands of dollars on creative consultants to find that special combination of color, style and shape.
Case Study
A consultant study for a new Fox 43 television affliate logo design involved analysis of the existing logo color and design of all the other local television affiliates in the region. Preliminary analysis showed the over use of 'blue' in the other station logos. A Fox 43 logo design and color palette of gold, black and red was developed that provided a powerful stand-out against a the local competitors.
A company logo is the basis for your 'brand identity.
Think about it.. A logo is featured on;
* Letterhead
* Business cards
* Brochures, reports, flyers, newsletters
* Auto truck window stickers
* Auto truck bumper stickers
* Billboard signs
* Sales promotion materials - clothing, hats, pens and so on.
* Broadcast graphics
* Web site
* Emails
If you don't have a huge budget for logo design - DON'T DO THIS YOURSELF.
Go online and Google:
'online logo desing services' - 'cheap logo design' - 'affordable logo design'.
You will at least be in the hands of a knowledgable professional who can desing something better than chicken scratch on a cocktail napktin. - DON'T DO THIS YOURSELF.
I find that individuals who actually believe they can design a professional logo fall into the category of tone-deaf people who love to sing.
Let us create that professional 'brand presence' for your business.
So be serious about your logo.
Rick Vidallon